This service is available to the residents of:

Kensington & Chelsea

About the service

The Mind Skills Development Service is for people who are unable to access mainstream training and/or employment support. We support people with complex mental health needs to develop skills, build confidence, and move towards work, education, or other meaningful activities. 

We offer training and employment support designed to:

  • Help you create clear steps to reach your training and career goals.
  • Build work-related skills and gain qualifications.
  • Develop personal strategies to stay well and manage challenges.
  • Explore new skills and ideas through creative activities.

What we offer:

eDCC Information Technology

Course Outline:

Training in eDCC Information Technology provides a solid grounding in computer technology and is suitable for people who need IT skills for recreation, study, or employment. Delivered from the approved training site at Acklam Road Workshops the course provides accredited training, by way of:  

  • Person-centred training and support planning. 
  • Information, presentations, field trips and workshops to aid learning and promote community links and support networks. 

Accredited training: 

Qualifications are accredited by the Prince’s Trust through the eDigital Competence Certificate scheme. There are three qualification levels to choose from: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced within four core modules.

eDCC Core Curriculum: 

  • Word Beginner 
  • Excel Beginner 
  • Introduction to the internet  
  • Webmail Beginner 
  • Word Intermediate  
  • Excel Intermediate  
  • PowerPoint Beginner 
  • File Management Beginner 
  • Outlook Beginner  
  • Word Advanced 
  • Excel Advanced  
  • PowerPoint Intermediate 
  • Outlook Intermediate 
  • Outlook Advanced    

Course Outcomes: 

Upon completion of the course, participants will:  

  • Have an increased knowledge of computer technology. 
  • Be able to apply a range of computer skills with confidence. 
  • Demonstrated a range of work-related disciplines, including re/establishing a work routine, punctuality, health and safety, organisational skills, and teamwork. 
  • Increased your confidence. 
  • Improved your wellbeing, motivation, and resilience.  
  • Increased your community support networks.  
  • Improved access to further career options.  
  • Improved pre-employment skills.  
  • Gained an eDCC Certificate.  
Practical Horticulture Skills

If you enjoy working with plants or want to build a career in horticulture, this course is for you! You’ll learn practical skills like: planting and preparing ground, pruning, mowing and turf care, and building paths. 

Painting and Decorating

This qualification is aimed at learners aged 18 and above who work or want to work in the construction industry and specialise in the area of painting and decorating. Our qualifications develop your skills in painting and decorating, to progress on to becoming skilled in their chosen trade, or to progress through an apprenticeship and work towards becoming a master craftsman.

Employability Skills

These qualifications are aimed at anyone who wants to live a more independent life, progress in education and/or their employment prospects; get into a job, develop on the job or move onto the next job, as they progress along the career ladder.

Community Sheds

These sheds create spaces where people can get together to connect, converse and create, in order to promote mental wellbeing. Shed activities help reduce loneliness, isolation and depression. For information about the Nature Shed contact 020 8960 6336. Please note, the Wellbeing Shed and The Upcycling Shed are not running at the moment but we hope to bring them back soon.

Who is this for?

Eligibility criteria:

  • Aged 18 years and over 
  • Eligible to receive care from Royal Borough of Kensington & Chelsea by residency or out of Borough placement 
  • Individuals who have a severe and/or enduring mental health problem supported by secondary mental health services or primary services 
  • Individuals recorded on the register for Serious Mental Illness (SMI) supported by primary care (GP practices) 
  • Individuals who are not able to access mainstream training and employment services due to their current mental health difficulties 
  • Individuals who require access to supported training and employment services in order to achieve their vocational goals 

How to access us

Referrals are open and being accepted from the following:

  • Approved Kensington & Chelsea referral pathway 
  • Kensington & Chelsea Community Mental Health Hubs 
  • Primary Care Liaison Nurses (now community mental health nurses)
  • GPs for individuals recorded on the SMI Register

Eligibility criteria and referral information

Qualifications, assessment and accreditation

Using person centred teaching, our courses are taught by experienced tutors.  The training is delivered through a combination of individual teaching and learning in small groups.  Intake is on a rolling start and can allow for absences when someone might have to take time out to focus on their mental health without the trainee losing their place.  Trainees can have a flexible training programme up to 12 months, depending on the level of qualification taken.

  • Skills assessment are carried out by our tutors, overseen by an approved Internal Verifier, where required
  • Individuals receive regular feedback from their tutor throughout the course.  One to one review meetings are held to assess progress, address any support needs and to prepare for skills assessments
  • The final qualification is awarded by the Accreditation Awarding Body
Mental health support
  • We work with mental health professionals to support people’s mental health recovery
  • We facilitate access to Mind’s workshop and peer support services for wider learning and support
  • We support people to access other support services when required
Pre-course requirements and materials

Courses do not require any previous knowledge of the subject area: 

  • The courses do require that applicants have the ability to follow simple written instructions to support teaching demonstrations, hand-outs, assessments and health and safety information
  • All materials and equipment will be supplied, including protective clothing where required
Eligibility criteria and how to get referred

It is a good idea to speak to your named worker at the Kensington and Chelsea North Mental Health Hub or the Kensington and Chelsea South Mental Health Hub. 

Our courses are open to adult learners over 18 with complex mental health needs. You can get referred through the Community Mental Health Hubs in Kensington and Chelsea.

The service is for people who are unable to access mainstream training and/or employment without pre-employment support.