This service is available in select schools (list below) in:
of referrals have had a full assessment within 28 days
This service offers support for young people across infant, primary, and secondary ages.
Following the outcome of the Green Paper for Transforming Children and young people’s mental health, we introduced Mental Health Support Teams across Westminster an Kensington & Chelsea.
This service is delivered in collaboration with NHS England and the Department of Education as part of a national scheme to improve the wellbeing of young people.
Our Mental Health Support Teams support young people experiencing mild to moderate mental health needs.
We offer evidence-based 1:1 and group interventions to young people and parents/carers in 80 schools across Westminster and Kensington and Chelsea, delivered by Mental Health Practitioners (EMHPs/CWPs) and an Assistant Psychologist.
Our service has a high uptake and completion rate, with 100% of users reporting it as helpful overall. We’ve seen significant improvements in symptom scores, consistently positive feedback from participants, and engagement from a diverse and inclusive group.
Most of our referrals come through schools, however you can also complete the form below. For the infant service, other health professionals based in family hubs can also support you with this.