This service is available to the residents of:
People living with Severe Mental Illness (SMI) face one of the largest health inequality gaps in England. Their life expectancy is 15–20 years shorter than their peers [1], largely due to preventable physical illnesses [2].
For individuals with SMI, two in three deaths are caused by preventable physical health conditions, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases, diabetes, and hypertension. The prevalence of these chronic conditions is significantly higher among those with SMI compared to the general population.
Tackling these disparities is a priority under Core20PLUS5, NHS England’s flagship initiative, and aligns with the NHS Long Term Plan’s commitment to improving the physical health of people with SMI. The NHS Operating Plan for 2024/25 has set a clear objective: ensuring that 75% of individuals on the SMI register receive a full annual health check.
To support this, we are partnering with GP practices in North Kensington & Chelsea and Queens Park & Paddington to deliver comprehensive care for people aged 65+ with SMI. Our service helps individuals attend and complete their annual physical health checks, immunisations, and cancer screenings – key steps to closing the health equality gap and improving overall wellbeing. This service is running from 11 November 2024 to 31 March 2025.
The physical health check includes six key elements:
In addition, eligible individuals may receive Flu and COVID-19 immunisations as well as bowel, breast, or cervical cancer screenings, depending on their eligibility.
Those eligible will be contacted and invited to attend at their GP surgery. Every possible support will be offered if there are difficulties and issues preventing attendance. All challenges will be noted for future service provision consideration.
Specific cohort identified by those GP practices participating in the programme.