This service is available to the residents of:

Kensington & Chelsea Westminster

About the service

The service offers mental health peer support for people who experience emotional and interpersonal difficulties, often associated with a diagnosis of personality disorder, who would benefit from meeting with others – individually and in groups – to give and gain support based on a shared understanding of their emotional mental health needs. 

What is meant by ‘Complex Emotional Needs’

People with complex emotional needs (CEN) experience rapid and distressing changes in mood and have problems in relationships with others. Most people with CEN have problems that date back to their childhood and adolescence, and have experienced some form of trauma or neglect in their past. People with CEN often feel frightened and insecure; they may have negative feelings about themselves and struggle to manage relationships with other people, including healthcare staff. Many people with CEN feel that life is not worth living and some harm themselves repeatedly. ‘Complex Emotional Needs’ is not a diagnosis, and should not be used as such.

People with other mental health problems including psychosis, autism spectrum disorder and ADHD also have complex emotional health challenges, but this pathway is for people whose predominant problems concern their personality and mental health.

Who is it for?

The Peer Support service is available to people:

  • aged 18 years and over
  • who live in Kensington & Chelsea or Westminster
  • who experience long-standing emotional and interpersonal difficulties which may be associated with a diagnosis of personality disorder

What help does Peer Support offer?

Peer Support offers peer-led and peer-facilitated activities which focus on your strengths, hopes and ambitions and can help you develop skills and strategies to manage and maintain your emotional and physical wellbeing. Mental health peer support can help:

  • Feeling accepted by others who share your experience
  • Developing and sharing skills
  • Reducing feelings of isolation
  • Building confidence and emotional resilience
  • Building new relationships
  • Learning new ways to manage your emotional wellbeing

Who can access peer support for people with complex emotional needs?

People can be referred in a number of ways, including referrals from:

  • Complex Emotional Needs Pathway Team, including the Waterview Centre
  • Kensington & Chelsea and Westminster mental health hubs
  • GPs
  • Community and voluntary organisations
  • Self-enquiries from people who are not accessing specialist mental health services or requiring acute care (please note that a care professional referral may be required). 

How to make a referral

Referrals can be made quickly and easily by downloading and completing this form and returning it to [email protected].

Types of Peer Support

Specifically tailored to meet the needs of people with complex emotional needs, the peer support service offers a range of activities.

1:1 Support

Sometimes just having a safe space and time to talk is enough. The peer support worker is there to listen, relate to how you feel and even offer practical tips they themselves have used to overcome similar difficulties.

Meet with a peer support worker, either face-to-face or over the phone, to talk through emotional challenges and share coping suggestions. One-to-one peer support offers the opportunity to work individually with a peer support worker to develop a tailored support and safety plan.

Peer Support Groups

Give and receive mutual support in a peer support group to manage daily stresses – online or face-to-face.

Structured self-help peer support groups aim to bring people together to share your experiences of dealing with mental health issues. It’s your chance to talk about your mental health, an opportunity to learn about how others in similar situations manage their lives and connect with people who know what it’s like to feel the way you do.

Social Peer Support

Social peer support provides friendly meet-ups where you can connect with others in a safe, supportive environment to join in an activity or just spend time with people who have a similar interest and shared experience.

Social peer support activities include going for walks, arts and culture, singing, quizzes, social trips and much more. Some activities are face-to-face and others are online.

Living Well Workshops

Living Well Workshops provide a safe and supportive space to develop skills to manage the stresses and difficulties in your life. Each session is different, covering a variety of subjects. Learn alongside peers who may be experiencing similar difficulties. Living Well Workshops are facilitated by a peer trainer. You will have the opportunity to be part of designing the workshops that are created as the service develops as well as to co-facilitate as a peer trainer.