This service is available to the residents of:


There is a connection between housing problems and poor mental health, with each potentially influencing the other. This is a short-term service funded by Wandsworth Council that supports people to develop the skills needed to live independently. Our support staff visit at least once a month. We’re the only floating support service provider in London Borough of Wandsworth.

What we can help service users with:

  • Applying, maximising and/or addressing issues with welfare benefits
  • Maintaining, sustaining and/or managing tenancy and preventing homelessness
  • Developing independence, social inclusion, and an improved quality of life
  • Developing independent living skills
  • Improving social networks, relationship building, engagement in community and leisure activities
  • Accessing employment and training services
  • Signposting to other community organisations


My outlook has changed. I am involved in more activities in the community and I have a better outlook on life and society.


What can’t we help with?

  • Help with personal care, cleaning, shopping, cooking, DIY, gardening etc.  
  • Treatment and support for substance misuse 
  • Support with taking or managing prescribed medication 
  • Legal matters
  • Nationality and other immigration matters
  • Support with attending appointments 

Who’s eligible?

  • Adults (18-65) referred to us as part of their wider care package
  • Residents living in Wandsworth
  • Those stable on their medication, managed by a Care Coordinator

How to access the service:

  • Accommodation-based support is referred to us through the Specialist Housing Accommodation Project Team (SHAP Team) at the Department of Adult Social Services, Wandsworth Council.
  • Non-accommodation-based support is accessible through the Duty Mental Health Team of Wandsworth Council

If you are not sure whether you meet the requirements of the service, or for more information, please feel free to get in contact with us:

Please note, we are not a crisis service. If you require immediate support, please click here.