This service is available to the residents of:


Befrienders provide support and companionship to people that feel socially isolated. Loneliness can affect anyone, even those with friends and family around them. Befriending offers a solution, helping people feel connected and supported. Befrienders offer a safe space and help people develop connections with the community and mainstream services. They can support with basic household tasks, such as doing shopping or cooking, help with attending appointments, going to the gym and other leisure activities, or just going for a coffee and a chat. Once you have self-referred, the activities are agreed in the first meeting.

How it works

  • We match befrienders with people who feel isolated and find it difficult to cope
  • Our befrienders provide support to manage daily life and help service users become more active in their community
  • They also help people develop self-management skills, socialise, build confidence, and move towards independence and life beyond services
  • To ensure that people get the best from the support and can engage in activities of their choice, meetings from befrienders will be for at least two hours

The service has shown impressive results:


report better mental health and wellbeing


increase engagement in the community


improve their independent living skills


increase their social engagement

Community Befrienders are a lifeline for me

My Befriender is my rock

It’s everything to me

Befriending means meaningful connection

Service details:

  • Available 7 days a week between 9am-6pm
  • Available to people with moderate to high mental health needs in Brent, Wandsworth and Westminster
  • People can use personal budgets or self-fund (starting at £17.95 per hour). The costs of any activities or travel undertaken by the client and the befriender during the session incur an additional cost.
  • To refer, please complete the form below or email [email protected]. We will contact you and provide more details about the service.
  • If you would like to speak to a member of our team, please call 0207 259 8123.
  • Please note, we are not a crisis service. If you require immediate support, please click here.

If you’re interested in becoming a befriender and helping others in your community, we advertise intermittently throughout the year. Please keep an eye on our jobs page!